Monday, March 06, 2006
artiste trouvé sur la route
1. find a
good space with tallent. NB. degenerate submissions
will not be accepted.
2. invite a local champ to
create an addition.. if they are incommunicardo why not try tagging next to an
existing example of their work with this way they can be
notified of the project.
3. create an anonymous email account:
one which cant be traced to your name.
this way we will never know who you
are and as such can not provide any information. NB. why not try " trouver(+number) " ... the
reference could come in handy!
4. write to artistetrouve at stating
the location of your gallery and the grafedia address so that we can update the
controle centre and any affiliated data-bases.
NB. photos are greatly appreaciated.
5. mark your space with " " to found
your street gallery!
artiste trouve manifest
Just like the found object (objet trouvé) is neither more nor less than an object found by an artist, the found artist is nothing more and nothing less then an artist who was found by another one.
The central idea of the Found Artist Project (FAP) is to propose a model of successful collaboration between different artists who may live close or at huge distances from each other, who may or may not really fit each other culturally, who may or may not really know each other very well, or who may or may not even really like each other…
The main point in FAP’s philosophy is to stop following the “classical” system of the art world in which artists relate to each other as mere adversaries in a competitive field. In place, FAP proposes a model of collaboration in which artists rather offer things to each-other. For instance ideas, inventions or any other kind of intellectual “goods”…
Basically the found artist is one who is asked by another artist to do a creative act in his or her name. The found artist is offered an idea, a proposal, a “program”, which he or she is invited to realize/execute/achieve, in the name of the initiator. The initiator artist can of course do the same service in exchange or he/she can recompense or reward the artist found by him or herself upon agreement. It is of course not obligatory that the found artist proceed strictly in the name of the other. He/she can do the “job” in his own name or signed by any other fictional person.
At a first glance the found artist can be taken for a typical contractor who only executes instructions, but this is improper of course, since the found artist is enjoying a maximum of liberty to contribute in a creative way in the realization of the proposed piece. After all, doing art is a chance to escape the awful blackmail based ethics of service capitalism.
FAP is not even about to try escaping the responsibility that each author should have concerning his/her artistic production. No one can escape that, since artistic production is a matter of conscience. FAP is rather a possibility to make the borders of our personalities more flexible, a way to extend the limits of our persona. A way for artists to collaborate, even if they live too close or too far from each other, even if they fit or don’t fit too much each other, even if they like or don’t like too much each other…
what is grafedia?